**BREAKING NEWS** Stephen said he made Enlai laugh a close to a month ago when he was here and he would hold him and throw him up and down!! =) Enlai sure loves his Uncle Stephen and his Aunt Klaudia!!
Enlai has the cutest laugh and he has been doing it more and more. BUT when he see's the camera recording him, he stops laughing. His aunt Klaudia has made him laugh a TON!! Enjoy the video!! =)
that's too cute!!
enlai tttteee vvvveees hermoso cuando sonries papas te amo nunca lo olvides mi elder bello pues tu sonrisa te llevara a ganar muchas personas para la obra que jesucristo nos dejo aqui en la tierra siempre sonrie enlai siempre siempre fielmente tambien y con buen animo busca lo bueno mi amor listo listo te quiere tu nanita sanjuanita villegas .
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